Or ever, really.
I think I've finally crossed that little item off my all encompassing Christmas To Do list for the last time. And I didn't even have to do it in order to cross it off.
This is my week to make the annual DO Or Die list. See, I write down all the things I still have to do, and schedule them out for the number of days I have left before Christmas. Then each day, I get whatever I can done, and I cross off the rest - done or not. Nothing moves to tomorrow's list EVER. Because tomorrow already has it's own list that can't be accomplished, thankyouverymuch.
Christmas cards got crossed off last Thursday, as reality and I squarely collided over all the things that were left to do.
Add to that the fact that we received a Christmas card in the mail yesterday that went so far beyond TMI that we laughed for 20 minutes solid. I'll spare you. But just know that I now have everyone in that family's shoe sizes.
But I just wonder WHY, people? I've decided that Christmas Cards are for people who don't blog. It's the only other socially acceptable way to get TMI out to a large number of people that you may or may not be friends with.
So pretty much, this is the only card anyone will see from me this year:

Merry Christmas!
And I do hope your Christmas is wonderful!
And I do hope your Christmas is wonderful!
I enjoy getting some Christmas cards/letters, but there's always this one I get TMI. They've got one kid, and yet it still manages to be the longest letter of all, and it includes every braggy thing possible. This year I even learned how often the husband works out. Um, thanks?
I didn't do my usual Christmas cards either. I bought one box of cards for a few select people and that is all.
Why do people brag like that? A Christmas letter is supposed to be short and sweet. There are just some things we don't need to know.
I get a newsletter every year from someone who is seriously nominated for the Family of The Year in CA. And they travel the world too. It is like- my life is nothing after I read their card and newsletter.
I do cards to those that send anymore. That's how I have been rolling.
I'm so much more interested in that TMI card of yours than I should be. Can I come over and read it? I could help you cross off more stuff on your list of things that won't get done.
I still love sending out Christmas cards! I NEVER make them...I just buy cheap ones at the after-Christmas sales for half price! :D
Something else I NEVER do? Write those Christmas newsletters! I just sign our names in the card, pop in a foolish picture, and DONE! Be watching your mailbox...
This is day #6 of me being sick. I've pretty much given up on my to-do lists. If stuff gets done, fine! If it doesn't, well...Christmas will come anyway! :)
I've been trying to figure out what to write in this year's Christmas letter, and now I know!
Shoe sizes! I'll just let everyone know what our family's shoe sizes are! This will tell everyone just how much our kids have grown this year.
Thank you so much for the suggestion. Now I can take "figure out what to write in the Christmas letter" off of my list of things to do today.
I did my first Christmas card EVER this year. I just felt like doing one for some reason. I'm sure it will be sporadic in the future. But see, only a handful of my family/friends blog. The rest have not joined the bandwagon (I don't know what is wrong with them.....) I also broke tradition by sending one as a single person; I got tired of waiting for marital bliss to gain license to write a Christmas letter.
I like receiving them, for the most part. I just hate the ones like you mentioned: TMI. (Yeah, I don't care about your child's first hair cut!)
I actually ADDED Christmas cards to my list this year...they were sooooo EASY! Upload a pic to costco.com, pick a template and go get them the next day. No signing...nothin'...just a lot of spit to lick 'em shut.
My husband made a joke about blogs being "the never ending Christmas letter", so I retitled my blog a while back
Anyways...MERRY CHRISTMAS and have fun crossing those things off your list!
My husband made the same crack about the "never-ending Christmas Card", and that would work if even 50% of my Card recipients read my blog. But probably only 10% actually do. I thought about sending out a postcard and telling people, "Hey, if you want ANY information, come check out our blog! Otherwise, here's a cheesy card to show how much we care!"
I always look forward to getting Christmas cards in the mail. But I've been getting less and less, oddly, as the years go by. Right now, a week away from Christmas, I have only three. And last year, I sent out about 20. Am I the only one out there who makes sure to send a card to anyone who sends one to me?
With the blog, Christmas letters do seem a little less necessary, for sure. But not everyone comes to my blog, and I do want to send out current pictures to my relatives, at very least. My problem isn't the cards - it's the family picture. I haven't had one professionally for about 3 years now. I took one with our own camera in our home last year, and it turned out okay, but I want something professional-looking. And yeah, I just suck at planning like that. The end result is that I don't think I'll be getting Christmas cards done this year.
I quit sending Christmas cards a few years ago, when it because too hard to find ones that had a Nativity theme. So I appreciate that yours depicts the Real Meaning of Christmas! And you're right, bloggers don't need to send cards with the looonnnggg letters. We give all the TMI in our posts all year long! haha
I like getting cards when people send pictures, cuz it's fun to see them getting older. Then I know I'm not the only once circling the drain. (Okay, that's a slight exaggeration since I'm not yet 30, but still... I have my days.)
I tend to pick six or seven people to send cards to - the ones who actually care about how we're doing - but Adam likes to send them to everyone he's met in the last 20 years. I used to think I could help him whittle down his list with gentle cajoling. Who knew all it took was a peek at the receipt from the Post Office?
I used Hallmark's Smilebox program this year. Christmas card to 100 people? Done in ten minutes. Bam!
No, I hope YOUR Christmas is wonderful!
I've only received one card so far. I'm sort of glad because I don't think I've ever sent cards out. Maybe once, long ago. I am pathetic.
Hey, you're being eco-friendly. Everyone throws 'em out eventually anyways.
Good for you!
I sent out Christmas cards, but only 36.... the list gets smaller every year. Soon maybe I'll have it down to 1 person!
In my perfect world, I make wonderful treats every day leading up to Christmas, a beautiful Christmas card is sent out, with everyone actually looking at the camera, and no one is crying. But honestly, I would much rather be living this crazy holiday season, then wishing it away!
I decided to do real cards this year so that I could put a stamp of my novel on it (yes--I had stamps made with a photo of my book--I'm nothing if not self serving) but then I started getting cards from people not on my card list--and I am faced with either buying more cards or just bagging the whole thing. Isn't Christmas just 7 days away? aiieeee!
ROFL! I like your idea of a checklist! I need to try that sometime! Thanks for the "card" (wink-wink). Have a great day.
I hope I don't sound reeeeaaaalllllyyyyy horrible if I tell you about my husband's cousin's card/letters. She had one child - the most brilliant, handsome, athletic (you get the idea) son in the universe. When he was 16 his car slid on the ice, he hit a tree and died. We were so sad for them, we knew their world revolved around this boy. It's now years later and they STILL send multi page letters extolling his virtues, the star they had named after him, the memorials they conitnue to hold, his old high school friends they STILL invite over in honor of his birthday. It's very sad. My husband suggested we quit sending a card to them so hopefully they'll take us off their list..... Heartless? I hope not, we just couldn't read any more.
Anyway! It's Christmas and I haven't done any letter or cards, no baking, no shopping or mailing (get ready for the brag) My Daughter Is Doing It All For Me!!! Merry Christmas!!
Ugh! I was SO grateful this year that the one person who sent one of thsoe letter that completely made me GAG didn't include a lettter this year. Just a pic of the entire family dressed in matching Aeropostale shirts. *gag* (that'd be me sticking my finger down my throat)
LOL. I love Christmas cards! It's the only Christmas thing I DO have done this year. I guess it's because I've always moved around so much over the years that it's my way to not lose touch with people I love. (My blog's a new development this year... maybe once my following starts matching my Christmas card list I can let my cards go.)
Christmas cards? What? you've got plenty of time! You've got-- What? Christmas is when? Oh forget it, I'm not sending them either.
For once, I am not doing the cutesy handmade cards to send out to nearly every person I've ever met. I just had a baby. With all the drugs I'm taking, you don't want me anywhere near the craft glue and scalloped scissors.
We never did Christmas cards growing up. I will probably just send a pic. of the fam and say "Merry Christmas!" Because, I'm cool, and have a blog, and don't need to cram all my info into one letter :)
I got cards out this year for the first time in seven years.
I figure it will probably take me another seven to get the next batch out, so, we're all good!
Don't expect a Christmas card from me this year
Oh good, we are even then.
Merry Christmas!
No Christmas Cards for me this year either. I'm struggling and feeling guilty about it, though.
That Do or Die list sounds great.
You're smart. I wasted time and money sending cards out and then realized I didn't have addresses for 1/2 the people I would have liked to send them to!
I love how you do your Do or Die list!
We've gotten fewer and fewer Christmas cards over the years as people have taken me off their list since I haven't sent cards. I wonder why people do that, only send cards if you send cards?
I love your card. Merry Christmas to you!
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