Don't even worry about our safety on those almost wet sidewalks, though, because they've actually canceled school today for a snow day.
Nope not kidding.
Wish me luck today. What kind of a snow day is it when there's not even enough snow to make a tiny snowman, or a little quart of snow ice cream?
In fairness to our wacky school district, we ARE under a blizzard warning.
In unfairness, I'm still calling them the wacky school district.
I wish Utah got any kind of snow day. But we don't. Apparently the government is too good for them. One of these days... (years? decades?)
now you get to enjoy all day with your sweet kids.
how fun!!
They NEVER have snow days in Poland. If there's a blizzard there will just be fewer (if any)kids at school. Looks like we've got opposite extremes.
It looks like someone in your school district wanted the day off :).
I hope you get tons and tons of snow to justify the snow day!
Schools around here are always doing that. And then when we actually get some real snow they make the kids go to school. Although I am happy to find out that we're not the only ones who've gotten snow in March. Where did Spring go?
I just stole a title from Two Princess Girls comments. It was perfect, thank-you!
We got snow yesterday, too. It's all gone now - the new snow, anyway. We still have the old stuff from when we got 6 1/2 FEET of it in December. I'm not kidding...
Looks like the buses must drive on the grass there, since there's no snow on the street! hahaaha
I grew up in Woodland Park, Colo and they only canceled school if the snow was so deep the buses couldn't get out, which was hardly ever! Bet your kids are happy, though. :)
What? That's a snow day?! Jealous.
Sounds like a Texas snow day...
It's always funny when they cancel school because it *might* snow...
Hey everyone needs a day off now and then.
Sounds like an Atlanta snow day, where I grew up. Fun stuff!!
We've gotten to the point here in New England where they're not calling school off for anything because we already lost so many days due to snow/ice storm. And we still have spring floods to deal with!
I wish they had "Hot days" in AZ...but alas!
Umm...I love your house. It's pretty!
I totally can relate...I grew up in Utah, so when Missouri cancels school for snow flurries, it just makes me laugh. They call that snow? Not where I come from! I remember standing at the bus stop in tons of snow wishing the buses would be late so we could be late (since they never canceled) but that never happened either. LOL
To be fair, hubby and I grew up in Colorado and have had kids in school since 1995, and this is the first time we can ever remember school being cancelled BEFORE the storm hits.
I think by noon we'll be glad they did.
That is just crazy! I mean, great for thinking and ahead and all, but wow!
Okay, now I'm waiting for the "after" post that shows the amount of snow we actually are getting! I took a picture this morning as well to prove the insanity of a snow day, but, I think they got it right, after all!
Huh.... and here I thought Colorado was normal and didn't cancel school based on snow forecasts. I thought it was only crazy Maryland.
And that's just a big ball o' poo, to have a snow day at the very end of March, especially when it's not even enough snow to cover a sidewalk. Not that I'm going to wish you get a real blizzard just to make up for it, because who wants a blizzard in spring, really?
Snow day? What.....? We could get feet of snow here in the Beehive state and they still wouldn't give us a snow day. In some ways I'm glad; I don't want to have to make it up!
I think we know your district is crazy. Aren't they the ones who let that R rated movie fly?!
they had a snow day here in vegas with a half an inch of snow AND it was melting...
ya-dumb. and i wasn't even in school.
oh and btw your house is goregous.
And I got stuck trying to get to Seminary this morning and then fell down on the pavement trying to walk over to the Church--BUT NO SNOW DAY HERE ; )
i LOVE your house.
UGGGHHH. Our school district pulled the same thing a couple weeks ago. I think they were trying to make up for the day that they DIDN'T cancel school when I got stuck in a ditch trying to get to the bus stop....
I totally agreed with you this morning, but as I see what's outside my window RIGHT NOW, maybe they weren't so crazy?
I was just out watering my tulips and daffodils and snap dragons and primroses and alyssum and cyclamen and geraniums and even a rose or two and BOY do I feel like a bad blog friend! (Really feeling bad about your so-so weather. I mean, if it's going to snow in spring, let there at least be enough to play in right?)
That's how it is here. If we even have flurries, school is canceled.
That is some crazy weather!!! They might have to cancel tomorrow too! How do they expect anyone to go out in that mess??! :P
That was me being sarcastic..in case you couldn't tell.
Yeah we have crazies here in Oregon too. Heck we have crazies driving with STUDDED tires when we get a snow dusting. I grew up in Utah and never saw studded tires until I got to Oregon. What the hey?
I wonder where in Utah Tay lives--we have snow days here, but we never USE them. What a funky day to use yours!
I don't think our schools have ever taken a snow day. Last year we had a delayed start for school due to the nasty storm that hit during morning rush hour, but that was about it.
I remember when I was little, walking through at least a foot of snow to get to school. We NEVER had snow days back then.
That makes me giggle, and quite jealous, because I think in order for us to get a snow day out here our doors would have to be jammed shut. And even then, I kinda doubt we'd get one. That's what you get for always getting snow....lame...
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