Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Things Learned At The Family Reunion

  • If you have an awesome brother who really really likes everyone to get up and going early in the morning? You may want to refrain from letting him be in charge of the award chart, lest you find yourself running from your warm bed to jump into the freezing water at 6:55 am every single morning because you are overly competitive about earning that dang "Polar Bear" badge.
  • It is impossible not to crack up laughing when your 3 y/o niece is teaching you to play a card game, and she looks at you solemnly and states, "Weemembow. Nothing can stop the Bwack Knight."
  • It IS possible to have too much chili.
  • Even wearing 50 SPF sunblock AND having 2 hours of "shade time" in the middle of the day, will not stop the melanoma cancer cells from clapping their hands and shouting for joy when they see our family coming.
  • Given the right conditions, your body can glance across the water just as many times as any rock you've ever skipped.
  • It is quite possible to embarrass your daughters even if you know for a fact that there are other parents every bit as embarrassing as you within earshot. You know this, because the other mothers are your sisters, and are OBVIOUSLY more embarrassing than you.
Note to self: Do NOT use the word "Yay-uh" as a replacement for "yes" unless you are under the age of 25.

  • It's entirely possible that at the end of the rainbow, you will find your family!

Photo credit again goes to my sister Jenny as she is always the one who takes the good pictures at family events.


goddessdivine said...

What a beautiful picture! That is worthy of blowing up and sticking on a wall or something.

Kristina P. said...

I wouldn't even need to go to a family reunion to know about the chili.

Unknown said...

Thanks for that word of advice... I'll be sure not to use "yay-uh." I think even 23 is too old to be saying that... or maybe just 23, married, and pregnant. IDK--I still feel like a fool whenever I say that.

Emmy said...

Lol, I guess my yah-uh days are long over. :)
That is an amazing picture, double rainbow, how fun!

Sheri said...

I don't know you, but i love to read your blog! I am friends with Corrine and Yvonne - so I catch your blog periodically! You are a great writer! I love this post on family!!

Barbaloot said...

Sounds like so much fun---the polar bear part sounds like something my family would/should do.

And generally, I would say that no one should ever say yay-uh:)

mormonhermitmom said...

I haven't heard yay-uh for over 15 years. Has it come back as a cool word for teens?

Heather said...

Polar bear badge, yowza! You are making me want to hit the lake.

Annette Lyon said...

Fortunately, my brother would hit me if I tried to get him up that early.

Becky said...

Ah, the polar bear dip... We did that at Girl's Camp this year. And as for that overly competitive stuff, I bet our water was colder than your water. ;)

Yvonne said...

Polar Bear--EVERY YEAR AT GIRLS CAMP (talk about competitive ; )

I LOVE that you embarrass your girls--doesn't every mother.


Dave said...

none shall pass

Dave said...

sayeth the Bwack Knight

CB said...

Holy smokes I wish I could say I had to go to a family reunion to find out stuff like this - snicker snicker!!

Gorgeous photo!!!

Sue said...

Great family times, wonderful picture, a week to remember! Count yourself blessed.

Anonymous said...

Please, could I get more than a 7 second warning to polar bear No one wants to see their Gramzer in wet pj's.