Monday, May 17, 2010

Lost in Translation

Asian sign translations have this reputation for being, you know, interesting.  And they didn't disappoint us. Oh the signs made us doubletake.    There were the ones that were just translated funny, and then some that we never actually understood...

So if you steal a Busta Rhymes cd, would you have to take the rap for taking the rap?

I'm not exactly sure which treasures it meant.  
But I took care of everything I brought into the bathroom with me ...just in case.

I mean, relics are one thing...
But if you mess up the railings, that's gonna become another whole government project.

This must be what Caucasion women look like to the Chinese.

Oh.  Ok.

I just want to know where I can get that  Longevity Card. 

I hate when my clothes do that.

I thought 2 "no biking" signs might have been overkill, but they really lost me at "no bugling"


Emmy said...

Lol! Those signs are awesome. I hate drunk clothes too :)

Janell said...

Never know when you might need the nearest escape hatch.

It's driving me nuts that I can't decipher that last "do not" with the Chinese character. No shouting? Do not blow your nose? ? No making fun of the foreigners taking pictures of this sign?

Catherine said...

Those are great! I think I may want to go to China just to see the awesome translations.

Kristina P. said...

That picture of the woman was based upon my picture. :(

Tammy said...

So funny!

Yvonne said...

Too funny. I have yet to see visiting clothes ; )

Notice the bikes are different (all my years of watching Sesame Street ; ) What do you think it means that one has a thing on the back??

Dave said...

does that say no sitting on pianos and vampishly singing show tunes?

Rhonda said... funny! I love the "treasures" one in the bathroom. haha

Heather said...

Yeah, I think maybe one is a passenger bike and one is a bike... you definitely need to make a distinction between those.

rocslinger said...

I'm guessing that last sign was for a park. Wouldn't it have been a smaller sign to put what you could do?

Barbaloot said...

Love those---the "Chinglish" signs are hilarious. I went on a hike with my brother and there was a sign saying, "Please do not play the monkeys." Sadly, I didn't even see a monkey I could've played.

Amy Peterson said...

A much need good laugh was just had.....THANKS!!

mormonhermitmom said...

That last sign might have been shorter if they told you what you COULD do.

Brenda Susan said...

Hilarious! Love this collection!

goddessdivine said...

So, that last sign. Was anything allowed in that area?

Super Happy Girl said...

Drunk clothes are the worst, ugh! so embarrassing.

On the No sign: The third to last is "No techno Christmas trees."

Vern said...

I've also always found it offensive when people fondle my flowers. Finally, something the Chinese and I can agree on.

The Atomic Mom said...

you need to submit these to

Annette Lyon said...

What was that last one? No Chinese?

Stacey said...

Those are funny,I love engrish!

In that last one it should have read, "Only breathing and walking allowed." It would have saved some time.

Elise said...

Ugh...I totally get that. I have a four-year-old daughter who NEVER takes care of her treasures in the bathroom.

(I LOVE Asians. The whole lot of them.)

beckers said...

Have you been to HILARIOUS!!!!

Heidi said...

All I can say is that it's a darn good thing everyone speaks English b/c I'm pretty sure the Chinese (or Japanese or Germans or Russians or whomever) will be just as amused by our translations of our signs as we are of theirs. Unless the sign maker hires a returned missionary from said country. Then we would rock, sign-age-wise.

Nancy Face said...

Love it! Those signs are HILARIOUS!

LisAway said...

These are SO funny! Love them. And I remember laughing so hard when I saw the "no trumpet" sign here in Poland. I wish Greg had never told me that it just meant that you have to be quiet because I prefer to think it means, as you say, "no bugling". I'm always careful not to toot my horn when I see one of those.