Monday, August 16, 2010

Well, It IS Happier for Mommy...

Yesterday Lizzie got a new calling to be the Nursery Song Leader, and with the calling came the Primary Songbook so she could go over the words to the songs the kids already know.  It only took her about 10 minutes of going through the songs to undo a lifetime of brainwashing. 
I guess it was inevitable that she discovered the words to the song are not actually:

"When we're helping we're happy
and we CLEAN as we go...."

Oh well.  It was a good run.


mormonhermitmom said...

Oh I like your lyrics a WHOLE lot better. I say you submit them for the next edition.

The Miller Family said...


RoeH said...

Too funny!

Celeste said...

We're so excited to have her in Nursery! Those kiddos are so lucky.

rocslinger said...

Want to bet that she uses those same tactics on her own kids?

Julie Ramsay said...

I always thought it was Give said the little wonder the song never made sense to me :)

Yvonne said...

I love it.

I remember when we joined the Church and we first started having FHE, and we would start with a hymn (Stephen was about 4) and after singing he looked at me and said, "It doesn't sound THAT way when we sing it at Church". (AND BELIEVE ME, IT DIDN'T--no problem with the words just the tune ; )

Heather said...

It's kind of a magical time, singing random words together that don't make any sense at all. But then we all have to grow up sometime. ha ha

Janell said...

I like you're lyrics much better. You should write a suggestion to HQ asking that they make the change official.

The mad woman behind the blog said...

Oh honey, my lyrics to "knick knack paddy whack, give the dog a bone" are so not child appropriate.

And darnit if my 2 year old hasn't just started repeating everything I say.

. said...

You would LOVE attending primary right now - Bro. Ellis changes the words to the primary songs and teaches them to the kids. It's hilarious. You should hear his version of Little Pioneer Children - it would have been a great one to sing on the trek!

Unknown said...

Maybe next she can teach them "there is beauty all around--when there's no one home"!

Corrine said...

:) thats awesome!

Super Happy Girl said...

Dang...I don't even know what song this is D: