Sunday, April 29, 2007

Everyday Heros

This week I've had a chance to realize that I have another hero living close by - a woman I have known for years. We had several children roughly the same age, and though we weren't buddies, we were certainly friends.

We were in the same ward for a very long time. During those years she taught me many things - not because she was in every leadership position in the ward at one point or other, but because of the quiet way she lived the gospel.

From her example, I learned my children would survive quite nicely if we didn't attend the youth soccer banquets when they were planned on Sunday. Did you know they will even save the kid's trophy and you can go get it the next day? Looking back on it, it seems like a big DUH!!, but at the time, it was kind of a tough choice.

I learned from her example that the people are more important than the programs. She taught me the power of just doing small nice things. (You mean, everything doesn't have to be a big production with a tulle bow?) She gives people the benefit of the doubt. And I have never heard this woman say a mean or unkind thing about someone else. - - And the flip side of that is that I have never wondered if she was saying unkind things about me.

Then, in one of those funny twists of fate, our ward boundaries were re-divided and we found ourselves in separate wards about a year ago.

And this week I attended her miracle. I call it her miracle because for 5* years now she has been praying for a certain child to find her way. Many times I have prayed for this child too, because I knew my friend was so concerned. Now I have faith - I do. But If you had asked me several years ago how likely this event was to happen, it would have been pretty low on the scale. But here we were, honored to attend a wedding reception for this child on the very day she was married in the Denver Temple. Everything was beautiful and modest, and that bride and groom both looked amazingly happy. A true miracle. It really was.

And so add to the list of things I have learned from this friend - the power of prayer. Especially the power of a mother's prayer. Because I have seen her miracle, I will keep trying for my own.

Thank-you to my hero, for your continuing powerful example. And congratulations on your latest miracle!

I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.

(*changed 5/3/07 for accuracy)


Linda Runyan said...

Wow. I think it is a merical everytime it happens.

Heather said...

Wow! What a great experience. I love being able to see those miracles.