Thursday, March 18, 2010

When Passive/Aggressive meets Clueless

Last week I was unhappy with The Brain for something.  I don't even remember what, really, which tells you how important it was.  Probably he forgot to put the lime in my diet Coke or something unforgivable like that.

Anyway, I was pretty mad, and it was after 9pm - and as we all know, I am not a night person.  Really not a night person --but I do at least know that I will lose any argument because I have no levelheadedness in me at that time of night.   So rather than fight about whatever it was, I went to our bedroom, shut the door, and started to fold laundry - -but I'll be danged if I was going to fold HIS laundry, because I was that mad.  (See?  the rationality is astounding, really.)  (but I can say that NOW, because it's 10am)

So I shoved his clothes to the end of his side of the bed, folded and put mine away, and went to sleep.

The next morning I told him I was sorry for being mad - and for not folding his laundry.

His response - "You didn't ...what?"   And we looked at the bottom of the bed and there was the laundry.  Completely unnoticed. Slept on - exactly where I had left it.

And that's when I decided that not only are my arguing skills lame after 9pm, but I'm really going to have to step it up in the passive/aggressive department.   Because when he doesn't even NOTICE....


Dave said...

next time put them in the toilet. THAT will teach him to do something so horrible that you have to block the memory

Kristina P. said...

Ha! Love it. We do our own laundry. Which usually entails me throwing them on the floor.

Heather said...

Ha ha, that could totally happen at our house.

Tay said...

I have totally done that!!! When I'm mad, I shut myself in our room and I start cleaning. (I ought to get mad more, seeing the state of our room.) But I make it a point not to touch HIS STUFF. Unless it's to pile it on his pillow.

Hooray passive aggressive!

The mad woman behind the blog said...

or is he passive/aggressively IGNORING the laundry? that what happens en mi casa.

Anonymous said...

After 35 years I'm about to give up on passive/aggresive. It's really never worked that well for me either.

jjstringham said...

When I start cleaning my husband KNOWS something is wrong. Perhaps you just need to stop cleaning when you're not angry. It makes the message much more clear. :P

Heidi said...

It just goes to show, men are from Mars and women are from Venus (or is it the other way around?)

Stacey said...

Wait..laundry can be folded? I thought it was supposed to stay in those nifty baskets until you need it.

I don't have a bedroom to lock myself in anymore. I really miss being able to get away for a moment. :(

Dave said...

the real funny thing is that you fold laundry :-)

mine always ends up in my drawers folded :-)

maybe you need a new dryer?

Becky said...

Huh. So it really *isn't* just you...

I'm a passive-aggressive pro. I mean, they should give me a trophy. And a plaque. And cash!

And then send me to therapy.

larkswing said...

lol! Reading that was like looking in a mirror! Don't ya just hate it when you try to make a point and it is THAT NOT noticed?!?

Rebecca is Thrilled by the Thought said...

Lol. You sure showed him.

"Q" said...

Another example of a man being blissful unaware of female insanity!

mormonhermitmom said...

(Snerk) Yup, you said it.

Vern said...

If it were me, in all of my lovely non-pettiness, I probably would have been mad that he didn't notice. I like to take it to the next level.

Dave said...

lol vern, you could put only one half the flavored creamer in his hot chocolate for breakfast to get even.

Rhonda said...

HAHA I've done that before too! And it usually gets crumped at the bottom of the sheets unnoticed as well. THAT is when you just hide the remotes or something awesome like that. Passive/ aggressives UNITE!

rocslinger said...

Sometimes I really hate that I'm passive/agressive, especially when I'm lame at it and no one notices.

I mean whats the point.

Yvonne said...

I have to laugh because I would have found the laundry on my side of the bed in the morning. Allan would have just assumed I hadn't gotten to it yet ; )

Anonymous said...

That has so happened at our house. Or he takes it off his side of the bed and piles on my dresser.

Emmy said...

Lol! Well at least he didn't lose any sleep over it

See Mom Smile said...

It makes me so mad when he doesn't know how mad I am!

Salt H2O said...

This post gives so much insight into the male female relationship it should be in a text book.

melissabastow said...

That's hilarious. I hate it when I feel like I'm making a statement and no one notices.

Tammy said...

What a funny story! :) I love the way you write.

Mrs Andy said...

I had to laugh because my parents do stuff like that all the time, then my mom gets mad all the time because my dad didn't notice 'such and such'...good times!

I don't ever fold my husband's laundry, he's lucky I even wash his clothes! :)