Monday, August 11, 2008

3 Hours of My Life I'll Never Get Back

I spent some time last week at the DMV, and I must say that if you're into people watching, that is an interesting group of specimens.

And I did have plenty of time to people watch. See, when we got there and took a number, we thought we were about 30 people back in line. As it turns out, we were off a little. Some nice girl who had already waited as long as she could handed us her ticket on her way out the door. Which jumped us up in line by 85 people. EIGHTY FIVE PEOPLE, people!

There has GOT to be a better way!!

SO with my time at the DMV cut down by about 2/3, I only had about two hours for people watching. Here are some of my observations - - in no particular order:

  • There were 3 other copies of Breaking Dawn in the room, most of which were being read by people who never looked up once.
  • Everyone who needs a license either has their underwear hanging out of their pants, or their cleavage showing down to THERE.
  • Speaking of which, could someone tell me where the DMV is where normal people get their license issues taken care of? There were hundreds of people who came through there, but the professional looking adults were few and far between. Like there were maybe 3.
  • Does Donald Trump stand in line at the DMV? I don't think so.
  • I bet we could speed things up considerably if the computer system were more reliable. Just sayin'.
  • I'd almost rather go to the emergency room. I mean, I'd still plan on spending the same amount of time, but at least someone might come out to check and see if we're still breathing.
  • Lizzie passed her driving test with flying colors. However, by the time we got back and the woman started typing her info into the computer, the computer system went down AGAIN, and we ended up waiting an extra 20 minutes before they just told everyone to go home, because it wasn't coming back up for the rest of the day. Now, granted, it was 4:30, but still. Is this a business model to work toward?
All in all 2.5 hours on the first day, and then our 30 minute - umm - follow-up visit to get the actual license. Well, to get the actual paper that says an actual license will be mailed to you.

That's 3 hours of my life that are never coming back. But I guess I've wasted more. Like the time I.... wait, I'm thinking..... the time I ....

You know what? Maybe not.


Heather of the EO said...

I can SO relate. I suppose most of us can--even though I hope I'm kind of normal, I notice the absence of normalcy at the DMV. Perhaps I'd feel like I fit in better if I bought some more cleavage revealing clothing. Wait... I don't have cleavage anymore! Geez, I'm never going to fit in at the DMV...

Melissa said...

Ah... the DMV... such a happy place as long as you have the right drugs in your system! Hopefully you won't have to go again for a long time!

Salt H2O said...

The normal person's DMV is the computer. (But I guess this could vary by state)

Does your DMV take appointments? Some DMV's have two lines, one for those with apoinments one for those with out.

Doran & Jody said...

And to think that our local DMV is going to a 4 day work week. that going to speed up the lines? I don't think so.

Depends on what I need, but I have gone to mailing mine. Now, if I could get to the post office during the slow hours.

goddessdivine said...

Ah, govt efficiency at its best. I have to admit, your wait is one of the worst I've heard of. And seriously.....why does it seem like the DMV is a magnet for weirdos? I always feel like the only normal one there.....maybe because I'm narcissistic.

Busy Bee Lauren said...

Ah ha...the DMV. You are right...normal people do not frequent the DMV.

And no, Donald Trump doesn't go there. He has people for that.

Heather said...

Hmmm.... I can't remember the last time I went to the DMV.

Janell said...

The better system would be me becoming a number shark and selling spots further up in the line to the highest bidder.

Jillybean said...

I went to the DMV last year to get my license renewed (here, you actually have to go in every so often to get the eye test) and had a wait similar to yours. I only saw a few other normal looking people there.
When I finally got called up to the window, the girl looked me up on her computer, and very excitingly said "You have a perfect driving record! You don't have any tickets! We really should reward people like you!"

I'm thinking that if you have a good driving record, you should be rewarded by a fast pass to the front of the DMV line. That alone would motivate people to follow the speed limit.

I really like Janell's idea. I might just go to the DMV today and scalp some numbers.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh heck! My license expires next week and I need to book a road test...yeurgh! Methinks I'm going to be license-less for awhile!

Nancy Face said...

Our DMV experiences aren't tons of fun, but yours was WAY worse! UGH! :0

Elizabeth-W said...

Janell is one smart cookie!!

. said...

Maybe the ratio of odd to normal looking people at the DMV is proportional to the number of odd to normal people in the world - we may just be more outnumbered than we think! And what's up with the paper that says your license is coming? I thought that was a very stupid thing when I went last time. I needed proof of ID for the airport security line, and they assured me that little piece of paper would do the trick - gosh, can't anyone print one of those off??

beckers said...

Yay for Lizzie!!! Congrats!! And have YOU read Breaking Dawn?? I liked it, but not as much as the first 3 in the series. :) Forgive me for not commenting on the DMV. I just try to ignore them as much as humanly possible.

Amy Peterson said...

Try the DMV for 4 hours with 3 kids! I know I had NO other option, my kids were incredible, but by the time I got to actually taking the picture, I didn't care what it looked like- I JUST WANTED MT LICENSE! I think part of actually getting your license is the mental test of sitting and waiting- lets see who comes out sane!

mormonhermitmom said...

Seems like the first time drivers get the worst of it. Or when you move to a different state and have to go in person to get your car titles changed. A good book definitely is required. I mail in registration renewals, and the one time I had to have my picture updated wasn't so bad, except for the updated picture. I'll keep the out of date hairstyle if I can keep the thinner chin, thank you

Yvonne said...

The DMV is right there with The Post Office!!!

Congratulations to Lizzie.

Mrs Andy said...

So, your experience totally has new meaning when Glenn Beck talks about Universal Health Care being the new DMV....

kristi r said...

yea! Congrats to Lizzie!!!!!! Has the other driving daughter got a new car? ;)

Chell said...

Only 3 hours? Really? :) If you lived in South Africa, that would be a new world record. When I went there I got there at 4am (yes, thats AM) to join the line, and I only left when the sun started going down...I think that is the reason so many people buy their licence. Go figure... :)

Super Happy Girl said...

"...but at least someone might come out to check and see if we're still breathing."

Our DMV is lovely, they are pretty quick and very nice.
So see? Just move up here ;)