But this made me just a little bit crazier than I usually am.
Ummmmm, I care.
If you care? Here's where you can get the email addresses you need. You can still make a difference, and every single email really does count.
It doesn't have to be long or wordy. Just make your opinion known TODAY as they're now retooling this legislation.
You can even copy mine!
Senator ( )(Except it will probably carry more weight if you put in your own senator, name and town.)
I care greatly about the huge spending bill that is making its way through legislation. As your constituent, I ask you to do everything you can to minimize or veto this bill. America needs to solve their problems through the private sector, and not through bigger government.
Littleton, CO
Do you care?
Can you believe the sheer arrogance of that guy? It just makes me angry.
Yes-I definitely care. I don't want the government to be in charge of any more of my money that they already are!
The American People don't care? Really? Wow... that's a pretty broad and rather obnoxious statement to make.
So glad you explained what it is I'm not caring about. I really didn't have a clue what he was talking about. Sadly, I think people do care, but not enough to get out of their comfort zone and do something about it. Maybe that is what he meant.
Seriously--does he think I'm just over here pickin' my nose not caring all day long! DUH!!
thanks randi
i care. congratulations on prompting my first letter to my senators!
You know, I'm really glad obama is gonna change washington. that's the kind of change we can believe in!
Yeah, I'm just going to sit tight while Obama solves all my problems. I can hardly wait!
I Care! I saw this email in my inbox this am and you bet I sent a letter to my senator. I am sick and tired of all the crap they add to bills. Line-item veto, baby; line-item veto. )It's the only way to go!)
Yes I care. I've written to representatives and senators before and you know what? They don't care. They send me letters explaining why they think they are doing what they are doing in a most condescending way. My state's congressman are all democrats. They won't care what I say either. They do care enough to send me requests to donate to their PACs. Unfortunately I don't have a billion dollars to buy my own senator, more's the pity.
You're talking about Obama's pork package, right? I can't access the video at work, so I can't see which elected official is spewing garbage from his mouth (Obama? Spector?)
That bill passed the Senate yesterday by a 61-37 vote. You can thank the three RINOs (a.k.a. turncoat Republicans) who voted for this outrageous spending package: Spector, Snowe, and Collins.
Welcome to the United Socialist States of America.....
Mommonhermitmom- you know I love ya, but I have to disagree. I've gotten those condescending letters, too, but I have to think there is a magic number of emails that a senator could get, where he or she would at least rethink the decision.
If every senator in America got 10,000 emails against this huge spending bill, would they whittle it down?
I just think there's a number that WOULD get their attention.
I have to believe that.
yikees!!! i'm linking to you on my blog. the more the better!
randis right you know. If enough people express displeasure, then they start thinking how it might affect their re-election. You can't ignore a majority of people when you are counting on them to vote you back in.
This video and attitude say a lot about how those in Washington view the rest of us. They think we are ignorant and oblivious. A torrent of emails might just get their attention.
I love that this is the chairman, CHAIRMAN, of the economic committee. Ummm...hello? When's the last time he had to make $100 buy groceries for a month?
Yeah, I totally care. These people have been spending billions for too many years to even know what $1 is worth anymore.
He's crazy!
I care . . .luckily Chambliss is voting no. Or at least he was before today. Might need to check again!
Ugh. What an a$$.
(Sorry. That's just what popped into my head.)
Talk about hubris! It's just disgusting. I've sent my letters about this and I think they need to hear from lots of us - perhaps that will help them clear up the "misunderstanding" that we don't care. Where do they get this crap?
And, btw, the "chattering class?" wow. We should probably all just shut up and take what they give us without asking questions. It's in our best interest anyway isn't it?
Happy chattering!!
Love the politics! Keep it comin' Randi!
He bugs the heck out of me--EVERY TIME I SEE HIM and particular EVERY TIME I HEAR HIM.
Randi, I love your blog and I've got to know more. I have an award for you over on my blog. Don't leave me hanging!
"America needs to solve their problems through the private sector"
But JustRandi! What are you thinking?
ObamaMessiah already said that "the government must solve the economic crisis" so honey, really, we should just sit back and relax. He's got the whole world in his hands...
Sing with me everybody!
"Only Government Can Jolt Economy to Life"♫♪
He's got the whole world in his hands♫♪
I don't think I know you, but you must know Julie, or else she just randomly found your blog. Either way, I feel the same way (about a couple of things). Leaving comments on blogs definately must be a love language, because I feel so very loved when I get comments, and sort of sad and rejected when I don't.
AND, I care DEEPLY about our country. After the election, I vowed to do something about my disgust, so I started a separate blog devoted to the conservative cause: www.mrg-loveofliberty.blogspot.com. Well, I wrote a post about how to fight back on the spending bill (I refuse to call it stimulus), but I don't think a single person even read it. How do I get people to read the blog so that when I write something it can actually make a difference? Any suggestions?
By the way, I think your blog is fantastic!
That's what I don't like about Democrats--they are more pro to take on more and more government and programs and put us less and less in charge of the cash. It scares me.
i do care! and so do think that man lets keep the government out of the mess....thoug I'd like a check for about 10 grand thank you!
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