Friday, March 12, 2010

Julie, Julia, and JustRandi

Last weekend The Brain and I watched the movie Julie and Julia.  Of course I loved it. I knew it was a movie about cooking, because  - hello?  Julia Child, right?  But I had no idea it was also a blogging movie!  Nobody tells me this stuff.  Or at least if they do, I don't really listen.
So if you haven't seen it, here's your newsflash -- a lot of the movie is about blogging. And how could any of us not love a blogging movie?  My heart even skipped a little beat when she got her first comment.   Ahhhh, the memories.

But blogging aside,  the second most interesting thing to me about the movie was Julie's relationship with Julia.  They never meet in the movie.  But several different times, Julie talks about how close she feels to Julia there in the kitchen as she cooks her way through 365 days of recipes.  And I kept thinking - - really?  You really think you "feel" Julia there with you?  

But then again... why not?  Not only did she spend hours and hours with that cookbook, and doing exactly what Julia told her to do, but she also read other books about her, and even found Julia Child rerun shows to watch.  And when she was done taking in information and acting on it, she spent the evenings writing about her experiences, sharing them with anyone who wanted to listen.

It sort of made me wonder what would happen if I used some of those same ideas to study the life of Christ. You know... read The Book, do what it says, find conference talks to watch, read books others have written about Him, and then actually spend some time thinking about it, and write about it in my journal. 
Would I feel closer to Him?

Did you hear that?

I think that was the sound of the teachings I've heard for the last 40 years finally sinking in.

I wonder if Glenn Beck will miss me...


Barbaloot said...

I've still never seen the movie---hasn't been high on my list of things I'm interested in. However, I do trust your judgment so maybe I'll have to look into it...

Kristina P. said...

I actually read that Julia wasn't too impressed with Julie and did not feel that same connection.

"Q" said...

First I feel like I have let you down as a friend. Remember I said "Oh you have to see Julie and Julia! I'll take you." *Guilty*

Second you are right about Christ and I know a place we can go that is centered on Christ. I won't let you down on this one.

Salt H2O said...


My mind was just blown.

This is far too deep for a mom blog.

Dave said...

my money is on Glenn Beck not minding if he loses cbff status to Jesus :-)

Cluttered Brain said...

Are you going to CAsual BLogger conference?
I think U should. It will be a blast.
Have you heard about it before?

I did watch Julie and Julia.

And anytime you want to get to know Christ better is a good thing I think. :)

larkswing said...

What a great connection. Interesting too, in the book, I did not get the impression that Julie was a believer. At the end she talks about Julia dying and about not believing in Heaven necessarily, but that Heaven was the state of being remembered and well thought of (paraphrased). I would much rather have that connection with Jesus!

Yvonne said...

Oh my--I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS--great thoughts. You are incredible. It's great when we make those kinds of connections.

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, too.

Rebecca said...

What a great connection to make. I just thought she was a bit nutso to be so obesessed with Julia. Didn't once draw the parallels you did.

See Mom Smile said...

Love the movie. And I especially love it when teachings finally sink in my kids AND in myself. Funny how that works.

jjstringham said...

I love this post! I haven't seen the movie yet - it's on our netflix queue, but gets put further down the list for not-quite-so-chick-flick movies (that darn hubby).

Brenda Susan said...

Wow, you got from Julia Child to God! Amazing! Love it! I too loved the movie & especially the bloggy stuff! I rejoiced with her comments etc. very fun!

Becky N. said...


You got THAT out of Julie & Julia!! I'm amazed. Deep thoughts. True thoughts. Afraid to turn my life upside down by putting it into action thoughts.

Must let this sink in.

Rhonda said...

I'll keep Glenn company for you. ANy day of the week.

j/k Great post!

Help I need a user name! said...

You go, girl! I love it when I finally "get" things. I'm sure Glenn will be fine. Just fine.

Amy said...

Deep thoughts to take away from Julie and Julia. I am a little luke warm about the movie. In a way she seemed a little too obsessed. I can see how one's life could be enriched if we were to take that kind of obsession and focus it on Christ.

Vern said...

I remember feeling a little disappointed that not only did they never meet, but that JuliA was apparently kind of annoyed with JuliE. Come on Julia! Bloggers are COOL!

LisAway said...

I need to see the movie and then apply it as you suggest. Smart thinking. And most anything that comes from your head or heart is not "too deep" for YOUR mom blog! :)

Mrs Andy said...

I was actually very disappointed with the Julie/Juila movie. It didn't inspire me to do much of anything....

So are you breaking up with GlennBeck because you're going to be busy reading up at Desert Book? Please don't stop blogging though, I would really miss you.

Katie said...

I LOVE that movie. It inspired me to do some sort of awesome blog. But, that really hasn't happened yet. One day.