Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Last Saturday I ran in my first race in a very long time.  I only showed up, really, at the insistance of my running partner, Kami, who was running the 10 mile race and wanted me to do it with her.  I knew that 10 miles is (sadly) out of my league right now, but I agreed to do the 5 mile one, thinking that at least I could keep her company for half the race. 
I actually had a great time, and finished in under my goal time of an hour, which isn't my best time ever by a longshot, but for this race coming out of a long winter season, I was happy.  There's something about being with people who really enjoy the same things you do that seems to create energy out of thin air.  I'm SO glad to have energy back for running.  Weeeelll, that might be overstating it a tad.  But I DO have new energy for the IDEA of running, so at least we're headed in the right direction.

(Which is good, because I am signed up for a half marathon coming up in 3 weeks. I'm actually sort of excited for it now.)

Last Saturday's race, though, was in a state park close to my house, so I decided to ride with Kami (who has a park pass) to the starting line, and then The Brain said he would come and pick me up when I was done.  He's always really supportive of my running - - which is one of the main reasons it continues. 

Anyway, I said to him - when you drive in, if they tell you you have to pay the park fee to just pick me up, tell them to forget it.  I'll just walk the half mile to the entry booth, no big deal.

His response?  "I would pay whatever it costs and drive anywhere it takes to come and get you."

And after that, it kinda didn't matter how I did in the race, because I was already having a fantastic day.

And THEN - they didn't make him pay to get in, so with the money he saved, he suggested we go to Sonic.

Did I mention he's a keeper?


Unknown said...

Yea for you! I've often thought of doing a 5k, but a Milky Way will usually bring me back to my senses! And double yea for The Brain--on all counts! He is indeed a keeper.

See Mom Smile said...

A total keeper. I too like the idea of running more than the actual running. If I am in cute running clothes, that helps.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! Did I beat Dave? Oh, yeah, I'm first, I'm first!

Anonymous said...

An absolute keeper! Congrats on beating your goal time!

Yvonne said...

I'm envious that you are getting to run. I love that you are enjoying it.

Glad you had a fantastic day.


Janell said...

Definitely a keeper :)

Heather said...

That's awesome! Having a husband who encourages you is such a big motivator in running. And really, who couldn't use more motivation to run, *gag*!

jjstringham said...

I am completely jealous.

And now I want Sonic.

Dave said...

i wish i had a brain....

Barbaloot said...

Hmm--I have energy for the idea of running, too. Now if I could only figure out how to transition that to more than an idea...

Becky N. said...

Best real-life husband comment I've ever heard!!!

And Sonic afterward? At HIS suggestion?

YEAH. He's a keeper. Lucky you!

mormonhermitmom said...

Such a gentleman. Definitely keep him.

CB said...

That is SO SWEET - He is definately a good man!!! That is romance:D

The Mom said...


Emmy said...

Now that is the perfect line! And yes he is a keeper.

Good for you! Running is not my thing..

rocslinger said...

What, you run and your not even being chased by a big cat or something else that can eat you?

I don't get it.

I got into bike riding so I wouldn't have to run.

I had to run when I was in the ARMY but I would rather face a tiger or lion than face the drill sargents, big motivating factor.

mindyluwho said...

Makes my heart go pitter-patter!

Rhonda said...

total keeper!

Jennifer said...

Wow...I am VERY impressed. It IS possible for a husband to say exactly the right thing....even when not prompted...or being recorded.
I like that guy. Well done!!